BNP Paribas endowment fund

94,683 euros donated

Following a particularly violent monsoon this year, huge floods have devastated the southern Indian state of Kerala. The catastrophic toll of these floods is 445 dead and more than a million people evacuated and housed in temporary camps in this tropical region popular with tourists in the dry season. The damage is estimated at more than $3 billion. Power was cut off in most areas for several days to prevent damage to electrical infrastructure.


Significant needs remain in water, hygiene and sanitation, shelter, livelihoods, sexual and reproductive health, and nutrition. In the longer term, support is needed on food security. The objectives of the mission were to:

  • Support for affected families
  • Supply of equipment
  • Transfer of money for repairs
  • Cleaning and repair of pipes
  • Raising awareness of good practices
  • Providing seeds for economic recovery
  • Advice and offer of medical supplies for women

30,000 people have benefited from CARE