BNP Paribas endowment fund

315 395 euros given

On March 14th of 2019, cyclone Idai affected Mozambique, Zimbabwe ans Malawi. The torrential rains that fell on these 3 countries during the formation of the cyclone, and more specifically in Mozambique and Malawi, were devastating. The cyclone is estimated to have affected 1.5 million people in the three countries. This cyclone destroyed 90% of the buildings and caused huge floods. A few weeks later, on 25 April, Cyclone Kenneth hit northern Mozambique, particularly in the district of Ibo. More than 2 million people were affected by these two cyclones. This is the first time two cyclones have hit Mozambique in the same season, according to the United Nations.



CARE intervened in Mozambique through the COSACA consortium. This mobilization made it possible to deploy 9 people in the first days of the emergency, as well as long-term national programming staff with emergency experience. Pre-positioned stockpiles in nearby warehouses not affected by the disaster provided more than 16,500 shelter kits and
other non-food kits. CARE's teams focused on different objectives:

  • Providin hygiene kits
  • Raise awareness on hygiene
  • Sanitary rehabilitation
  • Providing shelters kits
  • Education to rebuild long term accomodation and for farmers

144 000 beneficiaries


Red Cross

The French red Cross intervened just after the cyclone hit Mozambique. Their teams are trained to ract very fast. The actions were oriented towards problems of water supply and production, and hygiene. Different objectives have been attained:

  • Water production and supply
  • Implementation of pumps
  • Building showers and toilets
  • Promoting hygiene

172 500 beneficiaries

©Croix Rouge

Red Cross

When Doctors Without Borders arrived, they established a priority: acces to drinking water. The context is an envoironment conducive to epidemic, cases of malaria and cholera multiplied. Specialised teams were mobilized to install water purifiers with the Veolia Foundation. Because of acces restrictions to several areas, mobile clinics were implemented. Health centers were also opened, teams were able to:

  • Produce and supply water
  • Implement pumps
  • Build showers and toilets
  • Promote hygiene