BNP Paribas endowment fund



580 803 euros given

After a significant decrease in infections in the second half of 2020, India faced a strong resurgence of the epidemic in the spring of 2021. This second wave was fuelled by the emergence of the Delta variant and the many large religious gatherings that took place at the time. The peak was reached in May 2021, with an average of 4,188 deaths in the last week of May. The official WHO death toll stands at more than 480,000 for this country.

Red Cross
The Indian Red Cross intervenes since the beginning of the pandemy to help ill people and their families. The teams deployed several activities in different areas: hygiene kits and masks delivery in particular. In addition, the teams suggested to bring a logistical and technical support to the vaccination campaign. To support the severe covid cases, the Red Cross acquired oxygene bottles, medicines or respirators. Awareness campaigns were also implemented thanks to activities promoting hygiene and respect of prevention mesures.
Red Cross

India was strongly affected by the several waves of covid 19 because of the high population density in cities and of the weaknesses of its health system, particularly in the Northern and Eastern states. The number of patients led to a saturation of hospital services in several states. MSF teams were mobilized next to authorities to bring a fast answer to the crisis. They intervened in three areas: implementation of a national system of free online consultation, support of health activities and raising awareness on good health practices. In total, 2000 patients suffering tuberculosis could benefit from care, 4500 hygiene kits were given in 54 villages and 267 patients were welcomed in intensive care services managed by MSF.


During spring in 2021, India faced a new wave of Covid 19. on the 27th of April, there was 362 000 contaminations in 24h, and 3200 daily deaths. The most affected states were Maharashtra,  Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. CARE brought a response through: medical support (vaccines, beds, oxygen, equipment), opening of new health centers, implementation of awareness activities and promotion of vaccination. They also brought a food, health and psychological support to orphan children.