BNP Paribas endowment fund



Stunted growth, mental deficiency, increased risk of childhood disease...malnutrition has devastating consequences for millions of children around the world. Only a comprehensive approach, both preventive and curative in nature, can significantly reduce the number of young children who fall victim to this epidemic.
    The Rescue & Recover Fund supports its partner associations leading the fight against food insecurity and infant mortality on the ground.


    BNP Paribas
    will double your gift

    Doctors Without Borders in Mali

    [one_half]Though the general health situation in Mali is stable, certain health problems are on the rise, including malnutrition. In Mali today, 38% of children under the age of 5 suffer from stunted growth. Doctors Without Borders (DWB) teams have shown that early intervention can reduce infant mortality and the most severe forms of malnutrition.
      Make a donation to support the DWB project in Koutiala:
        - Free paediatric and nutritional care at the health clinic in Koutiala for children under the age of 5. [/one_half] [one_half] - Free nutritional and paediatric activities in 5 community health clinics for children under the age of 5.
          - Preventive care for children under 24 months in the form of monthly check-ups during the first 6 months of life, then additional check-ups every 3 months: growth monitoring, vaccinations, and food supplements.
            - Evaluating impact: studies have demonstrated a clear decline in malnutrition. [/one_half]

            Red Cross in Niger

            [one_half] Malnutrition is a chronic crisis in Niger. In partnership with the Croix-Rouge of Niger, the Croix-Rouge of France has undertaken to support the Zinder hospital's paediatric unit. Its mission: to develop an integrated treatment approach for acute malnutrition in children under 5. The Croix-Rouge of France aims to move beyond a system of emergency intervention to anchor medical treatment for malnutrition in the healthcare system itself.
              Give now to support the Croix-Rouge in the Zinder district:
                [/one_half] [one_half] - Improve free medical, nutritional and psychosocial treatment for children under the age of 5 within the district's existing health system and hospital.
                  - Reinforce the treatment of acute malnutrition in communities by raising awareness and enlisting the involvement of locals.
                    - Empower local municipalities and health authorities to take on increasing responsibility in the fight against malnutrition and the development of food security.
                      - Improve access to water and medical equipment at Health Clinics. [/one_half]

                      Care in Cameroon

                      Cameroon's food security indicators are not good: the Global Hunger Index ranks Cameroon 80th out of 108 countries. Studies show that malnutrition has risen since 1990. To reduce food and nutrition insecurity, the Care association tackles the deep-rooted causes of increased risk and attempts to reduce the negative impact of climate shocks in the East and in Adamaoua.
                        Give now to support the Care project in Cameroon:
                          - Improve resilient and sustainable agricultural practices (farming, livestock, fishing) and nutritional information.
                            - Support at-risk groups to help them earn a secure income.
                              - Improve access to water and basic services (sanitation, hygiene).
                                - Shore up public institutions and civil society organisations to mitigate the impact of climate shocks on food security.