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Increasingly violent storms, persistent droughts, devastating fires, flash floods, heat waves, seasonal shifts and more... The effects of global warning are felt around the globe. But the intensity of these crises is not the same in every country. And it is regions in the world where the most vulnerable populations live that are most exposed to the greatest threats from climate disruption, especially Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. In these areas, the top priority is less about combating climate change and its consequences, than simply preparing and adapting...

This year the Rescue & Recover Fund is supporting projects led by our partners to help prepare vulnerable populations in three regions regularly hit by natural disasters triggered by climate change.


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Prepare populations for the risks of cyclones.

Climate change has turned the north of the island of Madagascar into a cyclone risk zone. The area was ravaged by cyclones Ava and Eliakim in 2018. This is a new phenomenon for which the population - mainly rural and agricultural - is not prepared. The project led by CARE aims to build shelters, stock emergency resources and medical supplies and also create reserves of essential goods, particularly in schools to enable the populations to recover as quickly as possible following a cyclone.

Respond to the impact of climate change on health.

This country faces recurrent natural disasters (drought and flooding) and chronic food insecurity. The "hunger season", which corresponds to the period between the moment that food reserves are depleted and the beginning of the new harvest - May to September - falls earlier and earlier each year, leading to a significant increase in acute child malnutrition. In Madarounfa, MSF teams are running a pediatric program designed to address the primary causes of child mortality, especially malnutrition and malaria, emphasizing prevention and treatment of the most severe cases.

Ensure uninterrupted education

Since the 2010 earthquake that destroyed 80% of the country?s infrastructure, powerful cyclones have devastated what few resources remained. In addition to material and human damage, the entire administrative system, especially the educational system, has been shaken in one of the countries that is most vulnerable to climate change. The Red Cross program centres on an awareness campaign to enhance natural disaster risk mitigation capabilities and adapt schools in the west of the country to prepare for the effects of climate change. The idea is to give children a key role in making their families and communities more aware of the risks.