Fonds Urgence & Développement

Development Campaign

This year was marked by the war in Ukraine, more than 7 million of ukrainian are fleeing accross Europe. In neighbouring countries, NGO are mobilised and are actively acting to provide a decent welcoming. This european news reminded us that everywhere in the world, people were in a critical situation and needed humanitarian aid.

Together, we can help refugees ! 

The Rescue & Recover Fund support concrete actions done by the NGO Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross and CARE. Thanks to your generosity, we can act to help refugees and provide them support and care.

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Difficulties in Lebanon

Lebanon is the country with the highest number of refugees per inhabitant. Eleven years after the Syrian crisis, the government estimates that the country is welcoming more than 1,5 million refugees. Striked by a socio-economical crisis, the country is experiencing big difficulties. The inflation rate reached 229% between february 2021 and february 2022. Since 2019, the money lost 90% of its value, which increased the cost of the food basket of 965% in February 2022. CARE develops actions for host communities and refugees on protection, food security and psychosocial support. The help from the Rescue & Recover Fund will allow new activities to take place.

Difficulties in Lebanon
Welcoming refugees in France

In the Greater Paris region, the French Red Cross provides humanitarian services for vulnerable population. The projects offer a response to the social urgence, but also bring a temporary support. They are deployed in neighbouring regions and in some big cities where informal camps are developping because of the shortage of adequate housing places. The NGO also helps refugees in job seeking activities, in learning french, it also deploys measures of psychological support and tries to reconnect families

Welcoming refugees in France
Rohingyas in distress

Since 2017, the Rohingya community is fleeing persecutions from Burmese army and find refuge in Bangladesh. Since 1982, they are not recognized as an official ethnic group anymore, and they are now stateless. They re fleeing in Bangladesh andmore precisely in Cox's Bazar, a region near Bengale Bay.  In overcrowded camps, the sanitary situtation is critical and life conditions are hard. 920 000 Rohingya are living in Cox's Bazar camp, which is only 26km2. The camp is exposed to extreme weather, and the shelters made of bamboo and plastic can't resist. The teams of doctors without borders provide consultation and hospitalisation services and are managing several hospitals. They proive first aid services, support vaccinaiton campaigns and participate in the improvement of water access. They also want to implement a maternal health program

Rohingyas in distress