Fonds Urgence & Développement

Double explosion in Beyrouth

225 956 euros given

On the 4th of august 2020, two violent explosions happened in Beyrouth, in the harbour of the city. A big part of the city is destroyed and sinistred whereas the country is already experiencing difficulties due to corruption and economic crisis, this explosion increased the problems of the population. The NGOs partners of the Rescue & Recover Fund are mobilized.


191 people died, 6 500 are injured and the city falls into ruins, 300 000 people are deprived of housing. 1 million people need help. CARE offers services on the short and long run by identifiyng immediate needs of the victims and by preparing a reconstrucution phase to help housholds to have access to safer life conditions. More than 11 000 people received food aid and 2 396 benefited from equipment, kits or psychological support.

Red Cross

The explosion put a lot of hospitals out of service, it added a pressure on the already weak health service in Lebanon. The Lebanese Red Cross immediatly mobilized teams and means to provide help after this exceptionnal event. Right after the disaster, the temas evaluated the needs of the population. The French Red Cross delivered equipment to the Lebanese Red Cross. the support of the Rescue & Recover Fund allowed to pay additional transport fees to deliver this equipment.

Red Cross

The explosion was very powerful and MSF is worried about its effects, in the short and long run, on the health system already weakened by the covid 19 pandemic. MSF established 3 medical spots in the districts of Mar Mikhaël, Karantina, and Khandak Al Ghamik, the most affected zones. MSF teams welcomed more than 850 patients, et provided treatment to 533 patients. In total, 2775 people benefited from MSF help.